
Coordinate System in CSS

Cordinates are used to indicate the location of a pixel in a graphics context.

Dimensions and Origin


indicates the location on the horizontal axis


indicates the location on the vertical axis


indicates the position along views - to - screen axis.

z-axis cordinates are handled differently for showing a graphic shape in 3d or for rendering layers of elements one on top of the other in the 2d mode.

z-index property is used to decide which element will be shown above or below other overlapping elements. The element with the lowest z-index is recognized as the topmost layer and will be shown above all others.


The position of each point is defined relative to a fixed point in the context. This fixed point is called Origin.

In a browser, the default point of origin is the top-left corner of the context. The point below this origin is moves in the positive y direction and to the left of the origin moves in the positive x direction.

Graphic Contexts

CSSOM maintains cordinates on 4 graphics contexts…


When a browser renders a page, the cordinates of each pixel is maintains in 4 contexts.

Offset for Elements

The position of the pixel within the element is called its Offset. ie. if it is the point along the x and y axes when we consider the top-left point of the element as the origin.

Client for Viewport

The part of the browser dedicated to displaying the webpage being being rendered is known as the Viewport. The location of a pixel with reference to the viewport is called its position on the Client.

The viewport is generally a part of the screen and displays a part of the webpage. If the page is bigger than the viewport, scrollbars are used to control which part of the page is visible in the viewport.


Page is the entire rendered document. Any cordinate on the page cordinate system will always be same…

By default, Page cordinates give the position where the top-left corner of the page is considered the origin.


Screen is the entire physical device where the document is presented. A single point on the Screen will correspond to the different points on the Viewport if the Viewport is moved.

Cordinates in Event Handling

MouseClick Event

These cordinates are generally used in Javascript to find-out where the user clicked the mouse while browsing and respond accordingly.

Touch Event

These cordinates are generally used in Javascript to find-out where the user touched on the screen.

Transform the cordinates

CSS provides properties that allow you to alter the cordinates of certain elements.

The cordinates of certain elements can be transformed. The transform operations supported are…

Some of the transformations work in 3d mode also.